WASA Eagles FC

Info for Administrators

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For general questions and assistance ... please contact Mary Thompson, longtime and current Eagle Mom of 3 boys:  mthomp2@columbus.rr.com .  Thanks Mary!
To contact club staff, click here:  Contact Us
For club forms, click here:  '09-10 info and forms
For uniforms, click here:  Uniform Info
For Yahoo Eagle Admin Group, click here: http://sports.groups.yahoo.com/group/EaglesAdmins/

Carding Checklist - from MOSSL:
Hello Everyone,
This is just a reminder --
Your team's carding materials are to be in the MOSSL Office one week prior to your first game, if you are playing in a pre-season event. 
REMEMBER YOU NEED TO CALL THE MOSSL OFFICE FOR AN APPOINTMENT TIME (phone # is below).  Fall '09 carding will start on July 23.

The office will keep copies of all carding information. Please make sure you make a copy of the originals.

  • 3 Copies of Team Roster

  • 1 Signed original and 1 copy of each Coaches Membership Form
  • 1 Signed original and 1 copy of each Players Membership Form
  • Proof of Birth for each Player – This will not be returned. Make sure you have a copy for your records
  • Player's and Coach's card signed and current picture size 1”x 1”, current within six months, affixed.
  • Completed Risk Management for each coach. This MUST be brought with your carding.
  • This can be done online at OSYSA.COM (Kid Safe) Print the Risk Management confirmation page and sign.
  • MOSSL Coach License form for each coach
  • Copy of coach license certificate

    Anyone receiving a coach card items required:


    Kid Safe/Risk Management form must be printed and signed by all coaches and turned in with the '08/09 carding material.



    Mid-Ohio Select Soccer League
    670 Lakeview Plaza Blvd.
    Suite D Worthington, Ohio 43085
    Tel: 614.436.6775; Fax: 614.436.8323
    Info about flags for Towers, Alum Creek, Highlands, and Metzger is below on right side of page in the black shaded area.
    To reschedule games:
    All schedule changes will be sent to the MOSSL Office by both teams using the form "Request for a League Game Change." Any new request for changes to be made to the league schedule are to use the official form.
    Click here to go to another page for: new form to reschedule a game
    To find referees:
    Contact person: Tom Conger, MOSSL Referee Coordinator
    MOSSL will be using an internet based referee assigning system.  Coaches and Team Contacts will be provided a system username / password by which they can verify that referees have been assigned to their games. 
    The new online system with the scheduled games and the assigned referees must be updated with any changes. The system will email referees every day a listing of all assignments still open for the following ten days.

           If 4 days prior to a scheduled game, it is determined that you do not have one or more referees scheduled for a game, the home team coaches and teams contacts may continue to use  the M.O.S.S.L. referee assignor e-mail service to assist coaches and team administrators in filling vacant and cancelled referee assignments is as follows:

    (a)     When a vacancy occurs and a referee (center) or assistant referee (line) is needed, send an E-mail to Tom Conger at  tconger1@insight.rr.com include the following information:

    ·Center or Line

    ·Age of the team, gender, and division

    ·Date, time, and location of the game

    ·Info on who & how to contact (e-mail and/or phone #)

    You are likely to get multiple e-mail replies.  As a courtesy to our refs, please respond to all of the messages ... even to decline their offer. 
    Thank you, Tom Conger, MOSSL Referee Coordinator.

    To find fields for rescheduled games:

    Contact person:  Jeff Auker, WASA Field Coordinator

    1. All reschedule requests must be sent to me via email ONLY. I respond only during weekdays during normal office hours and not on weekends and not from home. I do not take the schedules home either so do not call me at home as I cannot help you from home except to tell you to email me. For those of you who haven’t been a rep before, this system works, so trust me.
    2. I need to know what games is first being cancelled so please include team name, date, include the time, if a Saturday or Sunday game, and field name and number. Please advise me as soon as you know a game is to be rescheduled (even if no make up date is agreed upon) so I can open that field for someone else who may need a field on that day.
    3. To reschedule a game it is most helpful for you and the other coach to have first established 2 or 3 dates as options and rank them according to preference before emailing me, and then I will assign you a field based on the options you have provided. It does no good for you to give me 1 date and then find out it is not open or the other coach can’t make it that day. Establish the options first with the other coach. As the coordinator and a former coach, this works better and we probably only have to communicate one time.
    4. When you email me, I will reply back by using REPLY not by a new email. I need you to do the same as well whenever you reply to me because it keeps our communications contained within and I can keep track of what we have been talking about better. With about 30 teams to schedule for I cannot know everyone by their email names or remember who they are associated with so using REPLY provides continuity if we have to go back and forth several times after the initial message.
    5. Other programs use the fields besides select teams so understand that certain days at certain fields may be unavailable, such as Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sunday afternoons (before 5pm) at the Sports Complex. Certain days are booked at Highlands also. However, I can usually find you a field somewhere.

    Please e-mail me at jauker@talontitle.net .

    Thank you, Jeff Auker, WASA Field Coordinator.


    Referee fees and general info: 

    Contact person: Ginny Humphreys, Club Treasurer                         

    Prior to each season (fall and spring), admins will be given a check to cover 5 home games.  Most teams will get 5 home games, but if your team gets 4 or 6, then please notify Ginny (e-mail address in tournament fees section below), and she will adjust your check amount accordingly. 

    Important ... please return all unused funds (for ref no shows or 4 home games) at the end of each season.  Thank you.



    1. Coaches will receive a packet they should hand over to you.  In it will be game cards, information on assigned referees for home games, schedule, codes for entering game scores on MOSSL’s web site and obtaining referee and team contact information and information on how to find referees when in need of one.
    2. For home games
      • Contact referees for confirmation well in advance.  Obtain any additional referees needed by using the e-mail referral service or through personal contact.
      •  Pay referees prior to game.  Obtain your referee money in advance from Ginny Humphreys (emhdvh@aol.com)

    This is for the '08/09 season - plz check back for '09/10


    U-9, 10



    U-13, 14, 15


    U-17 – 19

    Min.   Center

               Referee pay  



    $ 28.

    $ 32.

    $ 36.

    $ 40.

    Min.   Center Referee pay,    with 1 AR  &

            1 club Asst. Ref.



    $ 28.

    $ 32.

    $ 36.

    $ 40.

    Min.   Center

               Referee pay with

               2 club Asst. Ref.







    Min.    Asst.

               Ref.  pay                     

    N/A @ U-9

    $16.@ U-10


    $ 19.




    Min. Asst.

              Ref.  pay  with      

               1 club Asst. Ref.  

    N/A @ U-9

    $16.@ U-10


    $ 19.






      • Give the referee the blue game card with appropriate sticky label attached prior to the game
      • Pick up or arrange for someone to pick up flags for home games at Metzger or Highlands—also drop off if there is not a game after yours.  Addresses for flags will come to you in an e-mail
      • If you win or tie, take the game card after it filled in by the referees and coaches and mail it in an envelope to MOSSL
      • After all games home or away, enter the score on the MOSSL web site

           3.  For postponed home games

    ·        Contact referees well in advance to let them know there is no game—otherwise we still have to pay them

      • Work with the other team’s contact to reschedule
      • Request a field for the new game time through Jeff Auker at jauker@talongroup.biz.  Only contact him by e-mail.  Details on rescheduling will come in an e-mail. 
      • Request referees through the e-mail referral service


            4.  For away games

    ·        Contact home team rep to confirm game date/time/place

    ·        Make sure your team has maps/directions

    • If you win, take the game card after it filled in by the referees and coaches and mail it in an envelope to MOSSL


    For all games:

    Please be sure that you or your coach submits the score (win or lose) on the MOSSL site



    Instructions for getting tournament fees:
    • contact Ginny Humphreys at Emhdvh@aol.com
      • 6035 Worthington Rd, W-ville, 43082, home 614-901-8927
    • please allow 10-14 days to receive your check
    • info you need to provide: 
      • your name
      • your team name
      • tournament name
      • tournament fee amount
      • to whom to make the check payable (ie Charity Cup)
      • your mailing address

    2 important notes:

    1)  All team fees (and approved scholarship forms) must be documented and collected prior to receiving tournament fees.  If any questions, please contact Jessica Kirsch, club fee coordinator, at kirsch17@embarqmail.com .

    2)  Each team is permitted to participate in the league tournament, plus 2 others, during the fall ... and again in the spring (in addition to State Cup for U11 and older).  Anything beyond that requires Jeff Dybdahl's approval.


    Adding players to your roster

    From Outside The Club
    • Go to the MOSSL website ... click on "want ads" ... then post your ad.  It takes approx 2 or 3 days to appear on that site.

    From Inside The Club

    • Send the info to CoyleJeff@aol.com ... we will include that in the weekly club e-mails.
    • The typical function of a Talon team, as it relates to player development, is to be a platform from which a player can develop his/her skills and move to a higher level of play ... should he/she desire.
    Important note about either scenario
    Regardless if it comes from within or outside of the club ... there are very specific rules to follow if a player is currently carded with a team ... even a WASA Eagle team.  Adherence is important.  If you have any question, please refer to the MOSSL Bylaws (posted on the MOSSL Information page).  If you have further questions, please contact Jeff Dybdahl at dybby@juno.com .


    Other important info about WASA fields:.

    Closures, Parking, Good Neighbors

    WASA will post field closings or special notes related thereto on the MOSSL web site service set up for that purpose. All coaches and reps are encouraged to check the MOSSL field status section regularly especially if it has been raining. All teams are required to adhere to field closing notices or any special notes, such as staying out of goal areas after heavy rains. These are your field resources and it doesn’t make any sense to tear them up for practices because it only detracts from your game conditions, especially after it dries out.

    PARKING:  Please advise all parents that parking violations at the Sports Complex will be enforced regardless of the weather, etc. There is NO CURBSIDE PARKING. All parking must be in marked spaces. Tickets have been and will continue to be handed out so this is your WARNING. Signs posting the no parking areas have been posted.

    GOOD NEIGHBOR POLICY:  WASA teams are expected to be good neighbors when using the parks. All trash should be picked up after every game. In addition, please respect the private property of the adjoining owners, especially at Highlands Park along fields 2, 3, and 4.Any grassy areas outside the walking path/bike path is essentially PRIVATE PROPERTY and teams are expected to stay out. Neighbor’s fences are not backstops for ball kicking nor are their yards a player’s personal port-a-potty. There are restrooms at each park to be used for such purposes. This all seems so obvious but every season we have complaints lodged by neighbors because of someone’s lack of respect for the neighbor’s property. Coaches and reps are expected to police their teams accordingly. 

    Flags for Highlands & Towers:

    The home team must pick up flags and returns them to the house at 620 E. Walnut St.  Be sure all of the flags are returned with the prong intact (sometimes they stick in the ground when you pull the flag stick up).  On Saturdays, there usually are multiple games, so the 1pm game picks up flags, and the last game of the day returns them.  HINT: if there is no team waiting to play after your team, you should return the flags yourself.  Last year many games were played without flags at the field which is unfair to the other team, referees, and your own players ... so please assign this duty to someone on the team.  NO NEED TO CALL FOR FLAGS -- THEY ARE ALWAYS OUTSIDE WAITING.  Thank you, Jeff Auker. 
    Flags for Metzger & Alum Creek:
    The flags for Metzger 4 can be picked up at and returned to 671 Glacier Pass.  They are kept outside for anytime pickup/return, 7 days a week

    Administrators ONLY: For easy online guest player registration: