Tentative but likely MOSSL Fall '09 game
Monday: 14/15B, 11B, 13G
Tuesday: 12B, 11G, 10B – B, 9B – A, 9G –A, 9B –C/D/E
Wednesday: 14/15G, 13B, 10G – A, 9G – B/C, 9B – B
Thursday: 12G, 10B/C, 10B – D/E, 10G – B/C, 10B - A
Saturday: 14/15B, 13B, 14/15G, 13G, 12G, 12B, 11G, 11B
Sunday: 10B, 10G, 9B, 9G
B = boys, G = girls ... when immediately following the number
A, B, C, D, E following the hyphen = division/level of play within that
age group
Reminder: this is the MOSSL schedule ... due to the high demand for WASA field
space, our home games may fall on different days. MOSSL will finalize
the schedule on 8/16/09.
Fall '09 Season Schedules
Will be available for coaches or team admins to pick up on Sun,
Aug 16 & Mon, Aug17 – 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM, at the MOSSL Ofc
Tentative but likely MOSSL tournament dates for Fall '09
October 17 & 18
U-9 Girls & U-10 Girls Tournament - Location TBD
U-9 Boys & U-10 Boys Tournament - Location TBD
October 24 & 25
U-11 & U-12 Girls Tournament - Location TBD.
U-11 & U-12 Boys Tournament – Location TBD.
October 31 & November 1
U-13 & U-14/15 Girls Tournament - Spindler Road Park
U-13 & U-14/15 Boys Tournament – Spindler Road Park